Hongyi Huang


Please note that most of the slides or notes only appear for a calendar year, and don't hesitate to be in touch if you want to see some disappeared ones.


  • 17th April: TBC
    Pure Mathematics Colloquium, University of St Andrews [webpage]
  • 26th February: Permutation groups, symmetry breaking and probability
    Great Bay University, Dongguan, China
  • 25th February: Permutation groups, symmetry breaking and probability
    Guangxi University, Nanning, China
  • 12th January: Regular subgroups of primitive groups [slides]
    Groups, Graphs and Combinatorics, Kunming


  • 24th December: Permutation groups, symmetry breaking and probability
    Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
  • 12th December: Bases and Saxl graphs over the past four years [webpage]
    Discrete Mathematics Seminar, SUSTech
  • 18th September: Bases and Saxl graphs for permutation groups [webpage]
    Bristol Junior Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, UoB
  • 11th September: The generalised Saxl graphs of finite permutation groups
    Topics in Group Theory, Padova, Italy
  • 6th September: Bases for permutation groups [webpage]
    Algebra Seminar, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
  • 2nd July: Permutation groups of rank three [webpage]
    Group Theory in Florence IV, University of Florence, Italy
  • 13th June: Permutations, bases and low rank groups [webpage]
    Joint Algebra Seminar, RWTH Aachen, Germany
  • 11th June: Permutations, bases and low rank groups [webpage]
    Advanced Seminar on Group Theory, HHU Düsseldorf, Germany
  • 6th June: Permutations, bases and low rank groups [webpage]
    Guest Seminar Groups and Representations, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany
  • 19th March: Permutations, bases and low rank groups [webpage]
    Algebra Seminar, UoB
  • 29th January: Bases for permutation groups [webpage]
    Algebra Seminar, University of Warwick


  • 30th November: Bases for permutation groups [webpage]
    Algebra Seminar, University of Birmingham
  • 18th November: Bases for permutation groups
    16th National Conference on Algebra, Quanzhou, China
  • 11th November: Bases for permutation groups
    4th International Conference on Groups, Graphs and Combinatorics, SUSTech
  • 26th September: Symmetry breaking on graphs and groups [webpage]
    Seminars on Discrete Mathematics, Xiamen University
  • 16th September: Permutation groups: bases and Saxl graphs
    Capital Normal University
  • 7th September: Bases for permutation groups
  • 23rd March: Bases for permutation groups
    Junior London Algebra Colloquium, Imperial College London
  • 4th March: Symmetry breaking on primitive groups [webpage]
    Seminars on Groups and Graphs, SUSTech


  • 5th September: Base-two primitive permutation groups [video]
    Young Group Theorists Workshop, Les Diablerets
  • 18th August: Bases, distinguishing partitions and probabilistic methods [webpage]
    Discrete Structures and Algorithms Seminar, University of Melbourne
  • 4th August: Base-two primitive permutation groups
    Groups St Andrews, Newcastle
  • 24th July: Base-two primitive groups and their Saxl graphs
    Groups and Graphs, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology
  • 8th July: Base-two primitive permutation groups
    23rd Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, Imperial College London
  • 24th May: Bases for primitive permutation groups [webpage]
    Group Theory Seminar, SUSTech
  • 19th February: Regular orbits of primitive groups on power sets [webpage]
    Group Theory Seminar, SUSTech


  • 13th December: Base-two primitive permutation groups and their Saxl graphs
    43rd Australasian Combinatorics Conference, The University of Melbourne
  • 14th November: Regular suborbits of finite primitive groups
    Groups, Graphs and Combinatorics, SUSTech
  • 8th November: Base-two primitive permutation groups and their Saxl graphs
    LMS Graduate Student Meeting Winter 2021
  • 9th October: The distinguishing number of permutation groups
    Group Theory Seminar, SUSTech
  • 21st May: Groups, graphs and transitivity
    Junior Algebra Colloquium, UoB
  • 22nd April: The probabilistic method in group theory [webpage]
    Discrete Mathematics Seminar, SUSTech
    (This was also the third part of the following talk.)
  • 11th March and 8th April: Simple groups, fixed point ratios and applications (I and II)
    Seminar on Classical Groups, SUSTech
  • 2nd January: On valency problems of Saxl graphs
    Workshop on Group Actions and Transitive Graphs, Kunming, China


  • 26th November: On valency problems of Saxl graphs
    Discrete Mathematics Seminar, SUSTech
  • 17th November: On valency problems of Saxl graphs