Hongyi Huang


Food \(>\) Mathematics!

This page includes recommendations on restaurants (with reasonable prices) and special food in some cities that I explored or even lived in. Everything is based on my own opinion on food tasting, which means you may have different feelings.

Very first but important remark: Though (as a Chinese) I have extremely high standard of Chinese food, there are still some Chinese restaurants recommended in the guide for cities outside China. This does not mean they are still great in Chinese standard — literally very few Chinese restaurants overseas can survive in China.

I believe the guides will be helpful for most people (truly delicious food should be delicious for everyone), especially for Chinese who have similar taste for food as myself.

Due to my language ability, sometimes I find it struggled to express my own feelings properly in English. So you may find some paragraphs totally in Chinese in some guides. I expect there will be a lot (but not too many) when I write guides for Chinese cities in (hopefully near) future.

Most of the articles are joint with my love Bo Lan, who has better understanding on food than myself.

  1. Florence (Firenze), Italy
    With suggestions given by Marco Fusari and Bo Lan
    First version: 25 July 2024
    Last updated: 31 July 2024
  2. Bristol, UK
    First version: 19 September 2024
    Last updated: 19 September 2024
  3. Wenzhou (温州), China
    scheduled to appear in early 2025
  4. Shenzhen (深圳), China
    scheduled to appear in early 2025